If you recall in previous posts, I had intended to put something of an experiment into effect. The idea was that rather than do one job repeatedly for years on end that could prove lucrative or put me back to zero in terms of income depending on my employment status, I would put on as […]
Posts on ‘August 29th, 2008’
A Note On Personal Loans
Given the recent economic uncertainty and inflation, a number of consumers have turned to personal loans to fund them in cases of emergency or other needs. The risks associated with utilizing a service like this are fairly high, as these loans typically have high interest rates and pricey fees. When finding a use for a […]
Inflation, Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!
If there’s one thing most of us don’t need these days, it’s more inflation. Commodities like oil and grains, though they’ve come down recently in July, are still well above what we were paying a year ago. Everything is more expensive these days, and wages are not keeping up. I’m not all doom and gloom, […]