It is just shy of inevitable that in any Personal Finance blog, fitness will come up as a topic. There”s plenty of good reasoning behind this, and it isn”t because working toward your financial goals can be quite similar to working toward better health: tedious, slow, and occasionally boring (I kid, working out can be […]
Posts under ‘lifestyle’
The Difference Between Motivational Blogs and Snake Oil
I’ll be the first to admit, I like reading inspirational blogs. Despite not having very much debt (looking at you student loan) and having an ok handle on my finances (new tax situation aside) I still love reading Get Rich Slowly. J.D. is, without question, very thorough, detailed and has an enjoyable writing style to […]
Upcoming Housesitting Interview: Questions to Ask?
After reading the most recent issue of the Caretaker Gazetter and finding the idea rather fascinating, I applied for a nearby historical building (ie. mansion) which is owned by the local municpality looking for a caretaker to keep the place neat and tidy for tours as well as be available to setup and breakdown chairs […]
Paralysis by Analysis: How to Avoid It
Now that I’m out on my own, I usually have at least a few hours a day to brainstorm on what I’d like to accomplish in the near future. After putting my hours in at my part time job and wrapping up my writing gigs for the day, I’m often left with one thought: What […]
My Experiment in Alternative Housing: Housesitting
I recently subscribed to a year’s worth of issues from the Caretaker Gazette, after reading many positive reviews from some of my favorite bloggers. The cost for an annual subscription is modest (particularly so if you opt for electronic format only as I did) and I was pleasantly surprised after reading my first issue. While […]