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New Years Resolution Help: Make More Money

Of all the goals we set for the coming year, there are some that have become understandably cliche. Losing weight, for example, is something that a large number of people would like to do going into a new year (and something we’re historically terrible at). Making more money than the previous year, is also a common aim, although with the rough economic conditions that can be even more difficult than in previous years. Still, despite the recent backlash against the wealthy, there isn’t anything wrong with wanting to earn more money (Assuming that you’re using it to increase your financial security instead of inflating your lifestyle). Here are some easy ways to start the New Year with more money in your pocket:

Find a Productive Hobby


While I have always described myself as an avid gamer, I’ll be the first one to admit that it does nothing to bring in more money. Professional gamers often play for 12+ hours a day, and I think the novelty would wear off for me pretty quickly if I was clocking those hours. That doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of hobbies out there that can make money. Crafts are a pretty common answer, and I have dabbled with my own crafty hobby that you can view here at Fiverr. I make a handful of coasters each month for a little bit of extra spending money. Easy and fun! If you’re short of ideas, JD over at Get Rich Slowly had a great post about finding hobbies that can also make you money.

Earn Rewards

If your goal is to earn more spending money, then rewards programs are a great place to start. The process can be slow, but everyone from MyPoints to Bing have setup their own programs where you can rack up points for viewing ads, shopping, or checking out new search engine features. Personally I set one day a year to cash in my points, and that has gotten me everything from a free hotel stay to 5 trips to the movies. It is quick, easy, and fun! If you’re a responsible credit card user, take a look at your provider’s rewards programs and choose the one that gives you the most bang for your buck.

Donate yourself to Science

Ok, that might sound a little extreme, and the prospect here always terrified me a bit, but many people make extra money by volunteering for medical research. This sounds scary on the surface, but often times are very tame and can net you a decent amount of cash. Once again, Get Rich Slowly has proven to be a good resource here, and you can check out an article on making money via medical research.

If you happen to have some of your own unusual ways to bring in some extra cash, feel free to drop me a line and I’ll add it to the list!

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