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Considering Going Abroad


I recently read a great article over at Get Rich Slowly. It outlines the advantages of working abroad for a year or more in countries like Japan. Personally, I’ve always loved to travel, and I often feel restricted in the amount of time/money I have to move around as I please. Once my student loans are out of the way and the car is paid, we’re considering a change of pace. Nicole and I have talked about this a lot, and we’ve brainstormed a variety of ways to work while getting to travel. Here’s what we have so far:

1. Work on a Cruise Ship

2. Become a Trucking team

3. Become Flight Attendants

4. Teach English Abroad

I think getting out there and seeing the world while still saving money would be a fantastic idea. More to come as we iron out some details and continue our research.


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