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Pagerank Improvement!

finance progress

Like many bloggers out there, I’m sure, I never created TFC with the intention to actually make money from it. I run some non-intrusive adsense and such things (I hope, feel free to leave feedback!), in an effort to cover my hosting costs. Ideally, I’d like to provide a blog that people really enjoy coming to read, written in a conversational style with some fun tidbits and maybe even some useful information.

I still do enjoy having readers though! To that end, slowly but surely, I try to get the word out about my blog.  I try and contribute meaningful feedback to the bigger, better bloggers out there like JD at Getrichslowly, offering my own 2 cents in a constructive way. I also do some minor optimization for the site in an effort to make it search engine friendly.

Well traffic appears to have slowly increased, though I’m not exactly pulling in thousands of eyeballs just yet, I am noticing a trend. Google, it seems, has noticed this as well, and has rewarded TFC with it’s very own pagerank! We used to be 0, and now? ONE!

It’s all downhill from here, baby…..right?


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