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Book Reviews and Site Improvements

Hello there all, I’ve recently switched over my RSS feed to feedburner, which I hope will be a better change for everyone and provide me with some more detailed stat tracking on the comings and goings of the site.

I also wanted to write a book review, but haven’t found any books that strike my fancy recently. I’ve read a pretty wide array of personal finance books, and many have been reviewed on other PF blogs. So my question to you is, what would you like to see? Are there any books you’re curious about? Drop me a line in comments or via e-mail with any ideas for books you might have or would like to see a review for. After all I’m not here to regurgitate material you’ve already read (that seems to get harder everyday!).

I recently sold out of a position and I’ve been mulling over the merits of it. Aluminum Corporation of China (ACH) really gave me some colossal returns in a very short amount of time. I was up well over 100% at the time I sold it. On one hand I originally bought it because it was trading at half of it’s book value and sported a 18% dividend yield. On the other, I really feel like speculation in Chinese markets is getting out of control, and so I finally made the decision to close out my position and lock in my oh-so-delicious profits.

Maybe it’ll come back to haunt me, or maybe China’s markets will pop and I’ll feel better, time will tell, eh?


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